Personal Identity and Purpose (PIP) Instrument

What causes a person to wake up and jump out of bed in the morning, excited about a new day? Personal purpose and passion drive engagement in any endeavor or initiative in life. 

We all have a significant number of assets that go unrecognized and underutilized. Destiny is linked to history and a person’s assets. What assets have been accumulated mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually over time? 

The Personal Identity and Purpose (PIP) instrument uses an asset-based approach to discover personal purpose, passion, gifting, and potential. Purpose and passion drive organizational placement and fit. They help guide personal and career development planning. 

Asset-based personal development leads to clarity in passion, profession, vocation, and mission. The person who discovers their Ikigai will engage life with purpose and achieve fulfillment. 

CONDUCT A PERSONAL ASSESSMENT: Use the Personal Identity and Purpose instrument for personal discovery of purpose, passion, and potential. 


The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

— Quote often attributed to author Mark Twain